[Kstars-devel] Binary star data loading accomplished in Branch!

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 19:37:41 CEST 2008

> This sounds to me like you're having a problem with stars that have  
> Decliantion between -1.0 and 0.0 degrees.  For these stars, the  
> Declination in dd mm ss form would be expressed like this:
> -00 15 45
> But if you're not careful with the parsing, this will get translated  
> to +0.2625 degrees,
> instead of -0.2625.  The reason is, if you do int("-00"), that gets  
> turned into 0, which is not negative.  The solution is to keep the  
> negative sign separate from the ddmmss string and add it after you've  
> converted to a decimal value.

While this could be the issue, I notice that a particular star (I
think it was Alnitak or Delta Monoceritis) has a reported Declination
of 28' 44", while it's actual declination is - 34' 23". I'll cross
check that anyway!

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