[Kstars-devel] KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/data/tools

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 02:20:37 CEST 2008

SVN commit 832577 by asimha:

Adding information on nomaddatatomysql.pl and licensing to

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

 M  +28 -21    README.tools  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/data/tools/README.tools #832576:832577
@@ -3,36 +3,40 @@
-read-hippo.pl      Reads the Hipparcos catalog files
+read-hippo.pl       Reads the Hipparcos catalog files
-reformat-hip.pl    Converts old format star data files into the new format,
-                   where the fixed length Genetive name comes before the
-                   variable length long name
+reformat-hip.pl     Converts old format star data files into the new format,
+                    where the fixed length Genetive name comes before the
+                    variable length long name
-mag-linenum.pl     Write the line number magnitude index file
+mag-linenum.pl      Write the line number magnitude index file
-max-length.pl      Find the longest line in a file
+max-length.pl       Find the longest line in a file
-sort-hip-by-pm.pl  Sort the Hipparcos catalog data by proper motion
+sort-hip-by-pm.pl   Sort the Hipparcos catalog data by proper motion
-hipdatatomysql.pl  Reads Hipparcos star catalog text files and puts them into 
-                   a MySQL database (server on localhost). CAUTION: This script 
-                   will empty the table that it is writing into.
+hipdatatomysql.pl   Reads Hipparcos star catalog text files and puts them into 
+                    a MySQL database (server on localhost). CAUTION: This script 
+                    will empty the table that it is writing into.
-tycdatatomysql.pl  The Tycho star catalog text files used by KStars are in a
-                   different format from the Hipparcos catalog files. This script
-                   puts the data from the Tycho star catalog into a MySQL 
-                   database. It's just a modified version of hipdatatomysql.pl
+tycdatatomysql.pl   The Tycho star catalog text files used by KStars are in a
+                    different format from the Hipparcos catalog files. This script
+                    puts the data from the Tycho star catalog into a MySQL 
+                    database. It's just a modified version of hipdatatomysql.pl
-binfiletester.c    C Program to test KStars' star data in binary format
+binfiletester.c     C Program to test KStars' star data in binary format
-mysql2bin.c        C Program to put data from the MySQL database (generated
-		   using datatomysql.pl) into the binary data format defined
-		   by KStars. [See README.fileformat in the kstars/data 
-		   directory]. To make this, you will need to have the
-		   libmysqlclient-dev package or equivalent installed
+mysql2bin.c         C Program to put data from the MySQL database (generated
+		    using datatomysql.pl) into the binary data format defined
+		    by KStars. [See README.fileformat in the kstars/data 
+		    directory]. To make this, you will need to have the
+		    libmysqlclient-dev package or equivalent installed
+nomaddatatomysql.pl Reads the NOMAD catalog data in ASCII format and puts it into a 
+                    MySQL database for easy processing. This is just a modified 
+                    version of tycdatatomysql.pl
@@ -86,4 +90,7 @@
 database query may hang if the query results are too large in size. I
 don't know why this happens, but it seems to work that way.
--- Akarsh Simha <akarshsimha at gmail.com>
\ No newline at end of file
+Copyright (c) 2008 Akarsh Simha <akarshsimha at gmail.com>
+This document is released under the terms of the GPL v2.

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