[Kstars-devel] KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/data/tools

Akarsh Simha akarshsimha at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 02:05:55 CEST 2008

SVN commit 832574 by asimha:

+ Deleting binary (binfiletester) that had landed on the repository by

+ Replacing tycdatatomysql.pl with the version that includes
  duplication for proper motion

+ Adding Perl script to parse the NOMAD catalog ASCII files.

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

 D             binfiletester  
 AM            nomaddatatomysql.pl  
 M  +140 -15   tycdatatomysql.pl  

** trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/data/tools/nomaddatatomysql.pl #property svn:executable
   + *
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/kstars/kstars/data/tools/tycdatatomysql.pl #832573:832574
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-# datatomysql.pl   Put star data from Tycho-1 ASCII data file into a database
+# tycdatatomysql_pm.pl   Put star data from Tycho-1/Tycho-2 ASCII data file into a database
 # CAUTION: Will truncate the table supplied!
 # NOTE: The Tycho-1 text data file should be supplied via stdin:
 #  use  cat <tycho-1 data file> | <this script> to achieve this.
+# This version of the script takes into account the proper motion of the star for J2000.0 +/- x millenia
 use strict;
 use DBI;
 use HTMesh;
+use Math::Trig;
+use Math::Complex;
 my $ERROR;
 my @STARS;
@@ -21,9 +24,11 @@
 # For database handling
 my $db_db = shift;
 my $db_user = shift;
-!($db_db eq "") and !($db_user eq "") or print "USAGE: " . $0 . " <database name> <MySQL Username> [[MySQL Password [Table]]\n" and exit;
+!($db_db eq "") and !($db_user eq "") or print "USAGE: " . $0 . " <database name> <MySQL Username> [[MySQL Password [Table [Millenia]]]\n" and exit;
 my $db_pass = shift;
 my $db_tbl = shift;
+my $pm_millenia = shift;
+($pm_millenia eq "") and $pm_millenia = 10;
 if($db_tbl eq "") {
     $db_tbl = "tycho"
@@ -49,6 +54,7 @@
   `Name` varchar(70) default NULL COMMENT 'Long Name',
   `GName` varchar(15) default NULL COMMENT 'Genetive Name',
   `UID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment COMMENT 'Unique ID',
+  `Copies` tinyint(8) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Number of Copies of the star',
   KEY `Trixel` (`Trixel`,`PM`,`Mag`)
@@ -66,7 +72,7 @@
 my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:", $db_user, $db_pass, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 });
 my @fields = qw/Trixel HD RA Dec dRA dDec PM Parallax Mag BV_Index
-	Spec_Type Mult Var GName Name/;
+	Spec_Type Mult Var GName Name Copies/;
@@ -98,18 +104,97 @@
         printf "\n";
-    $star->{Trixel} = $mesh->lookup_name($star->{RA}, $star->{Dec});
-    my $query ||= qq/INSERT INTO `$db_tbl` (/ .
-	join(", ", map {"`$_`"} @fields) .
-	qq/) VALUES (/ .
-	join(", ", map {"?"} @fields) .
-	qq/)/;
-    my $sth ||= $dbh->prepare($query);
-    $sth->execute(@$star{@fields});
+    my $_RA1 = $star->{RA} - $pm_millenia * $star->{dRA} / 3600.0;
+    my $_RA2 = $star->{RA} + $pm_millenia * $star->{dRA} / 3600.0;
+    my $_Dec1 = $star->{Dec} - $pm_millenia * $star->{dDec} / (3600.0 * cos( $star->{Dec} * 3.14159265 / 180.0 ));
+    my $_Dec2 = $star->{Dec} + $pm_millenia * $star->{dDec} / (3600.0 * cos( $star->{Dec} * 3.14159265 / 180.0 ));
+    my ( $RA1, $Dec1 ) = proper_motion_coords( $star->{RA}, $star->{Dec}, $star->{dRA}, $star->{dDec}, -$pm_millenia * 1000 );
+    my ( $RA2, $Dec2 ) = proper_motion_coords( $star->{RA}, $star->{Dec}, $star->{dRA}, $star->{dDec}, $pm_millenia * 1000 );
+#    ( $star->{PM} > 1000.0 ) and print "$RA1, $Dec1 : $star->{RA}, $star->{Dec} : $RA2, $Dec2\n";
+    my $leftDec;
+    my $rightDec;
+    my $topRA;
+    my $botRA;
+    my $verbose = 0;
+#    if( $star->{HD} == "91125" ) {
+#        $verbose = 1;
+#    }
+#    else {
+#       print $star->{HD} . "\n";
+#    }
+    $verbose and print "(RA1, RA2, Dec1, Dec2) = ($RA1 ,$RA2 ,$Dec1 ,$Dec2 )\n";
+    if( $Dec1 < $Dec2 ) {
+        $leftDec = $Dec1;
+        $rightDec = $Dec2;
+    }
+    else {
+        $leftDec = $Dec2;
+        $rightDec = $Dec1;
+    }
+    if( $RA1 < $RA2 ) {
+        $topRA = $RA1;
+        $botRA = $RA2;
+    }
+    else {
+        $topRA = $RA2;
+        $botRA = $RA1;
+    }
+    $verbose and print "leftDec = $leftDec and topRA = $topRA\n";
+    my $epsilon = ( 90.0 / 3600.0 ) / 15.0;
+    $star->{originalTrixelID} = $mesh->lookup_id( $star->{RA}, $star->{Dec} );
+    $verbose and print "Original trixel ID = " . $star->{originalTrixelID};
+    my @trixels;
+    if( $star->{Name} eq "" && $star->{GName} eq "" ) {
+        my $separation = sqrt( ($botRA - $topRA) * ($botRA - $topRA) + ($leftDec - $rightDec) * ($leftDec - $rightDec) );
+        if( $separation > 50.0 / 60.0 ) {
+#            $mesh->intersect_poly4( $botRA, $leftDec,
+#                                    $botRA - $epsilon, $leftDec + $epsilon,
+#                                    $topRA - $epsilon, $rightDec - $epsilon,
+#                                    $topRA, $rightDec);
+            $mesh->intersect_poly4( $topRA, $rightDec,
+                                    $topRA - $epsilon, $rightDec - $epsilon,
+                                    $botRA - $epsilon, $leftDec + $epsilon,
+                                    $botRA, $leftDec);
+            @trixels = $mesh->results();
+        }
+        if( !@trixels ) {
+           @trixels = $mesh->lookup_id( $star->{RA}, $star->{Dec} );
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        @trixels = $mesh->lookup_id( $star->{RA}, $star->{Dec} );
+    }
+    for(@trixels) {
+        my $tid = $_;
+        $star->{Trixel} = $mesh->id_to_name( $tid );
+        $star->{Copies} = 0;
+        if( $star->{originalTrixelID} == $tid ) {
+            $star->{Copies} = @trixels;
+        }
+        $verbose and print "Trixel = " . $star->{Trixel} . "\n";
+        my $query ||= qq/INSERT INTO `$db_tbl` (/ .
+            join(", ", map {"`$_`"} @fields) .
+            qq/) VALUES (/ .
+            join(", ", map {"?"} @fields) .
+            qq/)/;
+        my $sth ||= $dbh->prepare($query);
+        $sth->execute(@$star{@fields});
+    }
@@ -182,3 +267,43 @@
     $star->{Name} = (($line =~ s/^\s*(\S.*?)\s*$//) ? $1 : "");
     return $star;
+sub proper_motion_coords {
+    my ( $ra0, $dec0, $pmRA, $pmDec, $years ) = @_;
+    my $theta0 = hour2rad($ra0);
+    my $lat0   = deg2rad($dec0);
+    my $pm = sqrt( $pmRA * $pmRA + $pmDec * $pmDec ) * $years;
+    my $dir0 = ( $pm > 0 ) ? atan2( $pmRA, $pmDec ) : atan2( -$pmRA, -$pmDec );
+    ( $pm < 0 ) and $pm = - $pm;
+#    print "$pm, $dir0\n";
+    my $dst = milliarcsecond2rad($pm);
+    my $phi0 = pi/2 - $lat0;
+    my $lat1   = asin(sin($lat0)*cos($dst) +
+                      cos($lat0)*sin($dst)*cos($dir0));
+    my $dtheta = atan2(sin($dir0)*sin($dst)*cos($lat0),
+                       cos($dst)-sin($lat0)*sin($lat1));
+    return (rad2hour($theta0 + $dtheta), rad2deg($lat1));
+    #return (rad2milliarcsecond($dtheta) * cos($lat0),
+    #        rad2milliarcsecond($lat1 - $lat0));
+sub hour2rad {
+    return deg2rad($_[0] * 15.);
+sub rad2hour {
+    return rad2deg($_[0]) / 15.;
+sub milliarcsecond2rad {
+    return deg2rad( $_[0] / ( 60 * 60 * 1000));
+sub rad2milliarcsecond {
+    return rad2deg( $_[0]) * ( 60 * 60 * 1000);

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