[Kstars-devel] Latest snapshot

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Tue Apr 11 16:46:29 CEST 2006

Hello All,

I just updated my qt-copy and kdelibs4_snapshot. The
build system has changed to cmake, which is pretty
nice. The bad news is that the tree (as expected) is
broken again. Not only due to changes in KDELIBS, but
also in Qt. 

Since we're doing restructuring of all sorts, do we
need to alter KStars directory structure?

Now we have:

- data
- icons
- indi
- tools
- skycomponent
- widgets

Let's move all UI files to widgets, if possible. Maybe
we can create a directory for FITS files, and move all
INDI related files to indi.

Any ideas/comments?


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