[Kstars-devel] Intrest in helping Data Team

Kenneth Frank kennethfrank at planitarium.net
Mon Mar 21 06:19:19 CET 2005

I haven't used your software, let alone the platform, but it sounds like 
good fun!
Sign me up!

Kenneth Frank
773 Tiburon Blvd.
Tiburon, CA

AANC VP      http://aanc-astronomy.org/
SFAA 		http://www.sfaa-astronomy.org/sfaa/
SFSA 		http://www.sfsidewalkastronomers.org/
and way too many other clubs

I'd like to help:

  Add names to unnamed stars and deep-sky objects
  Expand the list of internet links available in the popup menu
& Collect default Thumbnail images for the new Details window

Do I know what I'm getting myself into?  No.  But I'm a sucker for
ps My Buddy from the SFAA & SFSA, Robert English is no doubt signing up 
too &-)
As he turned me on to you guys.

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