[Kstars-devel] Re: new tarball release policy?

Carsten Niehaus cniehaus at gmx.de
Wed Jun 22 19:08:59 CEST 2005

Am Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2005 19:02 schrieben Sie:
>  I would set up a cron
> job to use Carsten's script to make a new snapshot and upload it to my
> webserver every week.

Yes, I have a comment for this :-)

Most snapshot users will probably use the buildin bugreport tool which will 
use the internal versionnumber of KStars, I guess.
To be able to track bugs more efficiently you should add this to your script:

Dir.chdir( "kstars" )

file = File.new( "main.cpp", File::RDWR )
str = file.read()
str.sub!( /KSTARS_VERSION \".*\"/, "KSTARS_VERSION \"#{version}\"" )
file << str

Dir.chdir( ".." )

This script exchanges the KSTARS_VERSION with the version the script is using.

If you now start the script with a version which somehow encoded the date 
(25aug2005-preview or similar) you will automagically (without changing 
anything in KStars itself) have a date of the version the bugreporting user 

Good idea?

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