[Kstars-devel] kdeedu/kstars/kstars

Pablo de Vicente p.devicente at wanadoo.es
Mon Nov 1 07:18:57 CET 2004

CVS commit by pvicente: 

Added the HPBW (Half Power Beam Width) as FOV indicator. It should be taken into account that
the radioatelescopes using normal receivers (not multibeam ones) do not produce images. They
are just sensitive to one place of the sky. That is, they produce a signal from a given area of
sky. This area is approximated by the HPBW, which is an angular quantity.
The HPBW depends on the diameter of the radiotelescope and on the wavelength of the received
radiation. Other possibilities, like multibeam, or interferometers are not covered here, since
they would require a more ellaborated scheme.
CCMAIL:kstars-devel at kde.org

  M +8 -0      fovdialog.cpp   1.9
  M +1 -0      kstarsinit.cpp   1.101
  M +202 -2    newfovui.ui   1.8

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