[Kstars-devel] Meade ETX105AT support?

sachdeva at collide.info sachdeva at collide.info
Wed May 26 10:01:39 CEST 2004

Hi Group,
I am a newbie to astronomy. I have ETX105AT autostar from Meade and I am
trying to connect it with Kstars from past 2 weeks. I will list my
questions so that it becomes easier.
1. Is my telescope supported by Kstars? I checked the Kstars handbook, it
doesnt mention ETX105AT, at the same time I know atleast that it uses the
lx200autostar or lx200generic protocol. Please correct me if I am wrong.
2. Referring to the email from Jasem
(http://lists.kde.org/?l=kstars-devel&m=107091735421348&w=2), I started
indiserver and then kstars. But after I press connect it shows a dialog
box saying "INDI: agent closed connection". I tried with various other
lx200 protocols also but i always get the same error messages. Here are
the debug messages

--------------from indiserver --------------------

indiserver -v -r 0 -p 7268 lx200generic
Driver lx200generic: starting
Driver lx200generic: rfd 3 wfd 6
indiserver: listening to port 7268 on fd 4
Client 5: new arrival - welcome!
2004-05-26T07:48:47 Julian Day is 2.45315e+06
Driver lx200generic: died, or failed to start
Driver lx200generic: died after 0 restarts

----------and from kstars---------------------------
kstars: Setting clock UTC = Wed May 26 09:46:54 2004 julian day = 2453151.91
kstars: glibc >= 2.1 detected.  Using GNU extension sincos()
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/share/qt3/include/qvaluelist.h (372)
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/share/qt3/include/qvaluelist.h (372)
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/share/qt3/include/qvaluelist.h (372)
kstars: WARNING: [bool KStarsData::readURLData(QString, int = 0)] M 40 not
kstars: WARNING: [bool KStarsData::readURLData(QString, int = 0)] M 98 not
kstars: WARNING: [bool KStarsData::readURLData(QString, int = 0)] IC 1274
not found
kstars: WARNING: [bool KStarsData::readURLData(QString, int = 0)] M 98 not
kstars: WARNING: [bool KStarsData::readURLData(QString, int = 0)] MGC 1435
not found
kstars: WARNING: [bool KStarsData::readURLData(QString, int = 0)] M 40 not
kstars: WARNING: [bool KStarsData::readURLData(QString, int = 0)] M 98 not
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/share/qt3/include/qvaluelist.h (372)
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/share/qt3/include/qvaluelist.h (372)
ASSERT: "i <= nodes" in /usr/share/qt3/include/qvaluelist.h (372)
kstars: Daylight Saving Time active
kstars: Next Daylight Savings Time change (Local Time): Sun Oct 31
03:00:00 2004
kstars: Next Daylight Savings Time change (UTC): Sun Oct 31 01:00:00 2004
kstars: Setting clock UTC = Wed May 26 07:47:03 2004 julian day = 2453151.82
kstars: [class KSPlanetBase * PlanetCatalog::findByName(QString) const]
could not find planet named IC 2388
kstars: [class KSPlanetBase * PlanetCatalog::findByName(QString) const]
could not find planet named IC 2388
kstars: Starting the timer
Driver lx200generic: starting
Driver lx200generic: rfd 3 wfd 6
indiserver: listening to port 7268 on fd 4
Client 5: new arrival - welcome!
2004-05-26T07:47:30 Julian Day is 2.45315e+06
Driver lx200generic: died, or failed to start
Driver lx200generic: died after 0 restarts


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