[Kstars-devel] kdeedu/kstars/kstars

Pablo de Vicente p.devicente at wanadoo.es
Fri Feb 6 17:00:30 CET 2004

CVS commit by pvicente: 

Reworked the angular distance measurement mode. Now the angle measuring
mode is activated from the popupmenu or clicking on the skymap and
pressing CTRL+[. The angle mode is finished from the popupmenu or
clicking on the skymap and pressing CTRL+].

When the angle measuring mode is on, a line is drawn from the first
point to the second one. When the angle mode is finished the result is shown
in the status bar and the line disappears.

I have suppressed from skymapevent the event triggered from the left button
click. To draw the line I defined a function called drawRuler in skymapdraw as
Jason told me. That works nicely since it is very easy to implement it.

 - There are some errors when plotting the line. I do not know why yet, but
   the start point is offset by a small quantity from the clicked point.
 - I do not like the labels I have written in the KSPopMenu class. I will try
   to fix that, or better, somebody speaking good english (Jason :-) ) writes
   some better labels
 - Investigate if the line can flash or if another color is nicer.
 - See if it is possible to avoid clicking first with the left button and then
   press CTRL+[. It would be easier to just do CTRL+[ and the position where
   the mouse is hovering on is read.

CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

  M +6 -1      kspopupmenu.cpp   1.17
  M +16 -3     skymap.cpp   1.118
  M +8 -2      skymap.h   1.52
  M +9 -0      skymapdraw.cpp   1.45
  M +28 -10    skymapevents.cpp   1.81

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