[Kstars-devel] kdeedu/kstars/kstars

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Mon Apr 5 03:10:26 CEST 2004

CVS commit by mutlaqja: 

A couple of changes:

1. FITSViewer now uses float to represents the data internally, this maintains the best signal to noise ratio througout all subsequent processing.

2. I was able to find 32bit raw/dark/flat FITS images, and the image reduction algorithm is working well when compared against the final FITS image from the source I obtained these images from. There is still a lot of processing to be done _after_ the reduction. I guess the name FITS 'viewer' is a misnomer by now. This editor can grow to become something quite complex, and unnecessary for KStars. My intentions are to provide a simple viewer and editor, not an advanced Astronomy reduction tool like IRAF. The last thing on my TODO list for this editor is the implemenation of filters, which hopefully I'll finish by next week.

CCMAIL: james at eecs.ku.edu
CCMAIL: kstars-devel at kde.org

  M +30 -108   fitshistogram.cpp   1.6
  M +7 -10     fitshistogram.h   1.4
  M +27 -148   fitsimage.cpp   1.8
  M +5 -7      fitsimage.h   1.5
  M +277 -51   fitsprocess.cpp   1.2
  M +35 -13    fitsprocess.h   1.3
  M +127 -91   fitsviewer.cpp   1.8
  M +12 -8     fitsviewer.h   1.6
  M +3 -26     histdialog.ui   1.5
  M +44 -10    imagereductiondlg.cpp   1.2
  M +3 -0      imagereductiondlg.h   1.4
  M +168 -4    imagereductionui.ui   1.3
  M +4 -4      indi/fitsrw.c   1.4
  M +2 -0      indi/fitsrw.h   1.3

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