[Kstars-devel] Re: kdeedu/kstars/kstars

Jasem Mutlaq mutlaqja at ikarustech.com
Wed Dec 17 18:12:20 CET 2003

> it's true. I tried many times to connect and I never had a single
> failure; before, 3 out of 4 connection attempts I had that the indi
> thing die for some (now fixed) reason.

Great! Thanks for confirming this!

> Is it possible to control multiple telescopes at the same time? Some
> friends of mine have my same telescope (Celestron Nexstar 114GT). Can we
> try to let them work together?

Yes it's possible, though there is no GUI for that in KStars if you want 
control the same type of telescope multiple times. 

The way to do it is to run multiple indi servers from the command line and 
then connect to them in KStars. For example, you can run

$ indiserver -p 8000 -r 0 celestrongps

open another console and do

$ indiserver -p 8001 -r 0 celestrongps

and so on...

In KStars, you can connect to those INDI servers in the Device Manager's 
Client tab by adding telescope with host of (if the telescope is 
connected to your machine) and port of 8000 for the first one, and 8001 for 
the 2nd one. Once you connect to both of them, you will see a Celestron GPS 
and Celestron GPS 2 entries in your pop menu and you're ready to control both 
now. You can add any arbitrary number of telescopes this way.

Hope this is helpful!

Clear skies,

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