[EXTERNAL] Request on help for real time plots

BRISSET, Nicolas nicolas.brisset at airbus.com
Mon Jul 22 16:00:20 BST 2019


What kind of data format are you using? This can make a difference. In the ASCII datasource there are options to limit the RAM consumption, otherwise the complete file is mapped into memory, and if it becomes very large and forces your PC to swap it could have a significant impact on performance.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Kst [mailto:kst-bounces at kde.org] De la part de Maher, Stephen F. (GSFC-665.0)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS INC]
Envoyé : lundi 22 juillet 2019 16:54
À : kst at kde.org
Objet : RE: [EXTERNAL] Request on help for real time plots

Hi Thore,

We use kst for realtime plotting over long periods of time quite successfully.  (Multi-channel, multi-KHz, multi-day)

We have some beefy machines but I don't remember seeing "significant" CPU or memory consumption by kst.

Some tips: don't use points on your plots and change the range and/or subsampling.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kst <kst-bounces at kde.org> On Behalf Of Thore Oltersdorf
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 9:32 AM
> To: kst at kde.org
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Request on help for real time plots
> Dear all.
> We are using kst2 for plotting test bench real time data. kst2 is very 
> powerful but it slows down when used for a long period. We were not 
> able to identify how to free RAM (or whatever makes it slow) when this 
> happens. Or is it related to the daily generated raw data file in 
> which the testbench DAQ is appending its data per second? kst2 uses 
> this raw data file and maybe it becomes simply too large?
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance! Sorry if I have not found 
> it immediately in "known bugs" list or elsewhere. I tried to!
> Kind Regards.
> Thore
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