[Kst] Feature Requests

Barth Netterfield barth.netterfield at utoronto.ca
Mon Jul 14 16:35:14 UTC 2014

On July 14, 2014 9:13:18 PM Ben Lewis wrote:

> Kst,
> Here are some features I would love to see in Kst...
> *
> Scroll Bar *- It would be great to have a scroll bar at the bottom of each
> plot. This will give the user a perspective on where they are when zoomed
> into a small window of a large data set. SensorCloud uses this
> functionality, if you haven't seen it (it's very impressive) you can view
> it in action here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6tko2wOJc4.

Hmmm.... this doesn't really fit into kst's model (where consumers of vectors 
neither know nor care where the vector came from).  And one might have a plot 
which shows data from multiple datasources of different sizes and of different 
ranges.  So it is hard to understand what the scroll bar would refer to in 
this case.

So... hmmm... let me think about it and see if I can come up with a 
coherent/consistent model.

> *Digital Display* - Sometimes it is handy to have the current value of a
> channel shown as a digital number. It is much quicker and more accurate to
> read a number off a digital display rather than interpolate the value off a
> plot. HBM's Catman software has this feature and a really nice touch is
> that you can configure the display to show one of the channels statistical
> values when live data is stopped. So when live data is streaming it will
> show the current value but when live data stops it will display the
> channels min, max, average or other such value. This is a really handy
> feature and can save a lot of time. You can see this feature in action here
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q66D-yc5KnE (3:00 - 3:37)

If I understand what you mean: We can already do this.

Create a curve - say ploting [ALT (V2)] vs [Time (V1)].
Create a label.
As the label text use: Sensor: [ALT:Last (X15)] m

When you type "[" in the label text box, a large auto completion box will 
appear with all of the possible scalars and strings that you can insert.  The 
list includes First, Last, Sigma, Mean, rms, Max and Min and a few other 
things for each vector.

You can also do equations in labels: 
For example, [=[ALT:Sigma (X18)]^2] would give the square of the standard 

> *Set Default Update Type* - On the first screen of the data wizard the user
> can choose the desired update type - time interval, change detection or no
> update. The default is change detection. Once an update type has been
> selected for a particular file, Kst will remember this, which is great. But
> for a new file the user is forced to change this setting every time, if
> they wish to use a setting other than change detection. It would be great
> if the default setting could be changed somewhere.

Definitely - I will add this.  You can add a wishlist bug for this so I don't 
forget :-)

> *Time Offset from ASCII File* - In the "Configure ASCII File" dialogue box
> there are a number of options for the time offset source. It would be great
> to add "Read offset from line:" as another source (just as is currently
> done with field names and units).

Can you make a wishlist bug for this?

> If any of these ideas are doable and other people also like them, I will
> submit a formal feature request.
> Regards, Ben

Barth Netterfield
University of Toronto

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