[Kst] Kst 2.0.7 Beta2

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Mon Oct 22 11:55:28 UTC 2012

I've uploaded a Windows binary for Kst 2.0.7 Beta 2 at SourceForge:

There are several bug fixes and improvements:

   - reading time information from ASCII data
   - plotting user defined time formats
   - faster loading of ASCII data with very much columns
   - multi threaded loading of ASCII data > 1MB
       (could be enabled in the config dialog)
   - support of big ASCII data on low memory systems
       (the internal file buffer size could be limited)

   - BUG: printing on Windows does not work
   - BUG: 306353 Save/reload "automatically scale number axis" setting in plots.
   - BUG: Some objects were not getting updated after changes via the dialogs when paused.
          PSDs were not getting updated when some changes were made.
   - BUG: It was impossible to remove the last curve from a plot.  Now you can.
   - BUG: Fix purge so ancestors of ancestors of curves used in plots don't get purged,
          and so that scalars used inlabels (and their ancestors) don't get   - purged.
   - BUG: 307726 Enable renaming of plugins.
   - BUG: Plots dragged to a new tab did not show up in plot lists in dialogs. This fixes that.
   - BUG: Fix a bug where if you drag a window to a new tab, it wasn't picked up by future autoformats.

   - internal: ported to QNX and Qt5
   - internal: ASCII data source refactored
   - internal: CMakeList.txt also in kst's root dir
   - internal: pch now also work with ninja


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