[Kst] Packages for 2.0.5?

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Sat May 19 09:46:43 UTC 2012

On 18.05.2012 11:02, Nicolas Brisset wrote:
>> No, this time I haven't build binaries for Linux.
>> Only 85 downloads for 2.0.4 and the package misses
>> Qt so I assume it is not very usable.
> Right. One of the 85 downloads was mine (to install quickly on a machine running an end-of-lifed OpenSuse version) and it did not work due to incompatible Qt versions.
> I'd say it is useful if you can compile with a static Qt, or at least bundle Qt with it. I know many people running old distros which will probably never get recent packages from the official repositories. I'm one of them, and many of my colleagues don't use recent versions due to non-existing packages. Finally, Windows users are better served, which is somewhat a pity!

Oh yes, I try to build a usable Linux package.
Linking Qt statically would be very complicated because of our plugin design. But shipping Qt libs shouldn't be that 
problematic. But I have to link the 3rd party libs statically which I haven't
tried before.

>> I think it would be better to add links in the Readme.txt
>> on sf.
> Can you explain a bit better what you mean here? Which links are you referring to?
We should also list in Readme.txt at http://sourceforge.net/projects/kst/files/Kst%202.0.5/
the links to the distro-specific packages.

> Nicolas
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