[Kst] Remaining bugs in 2.0.5

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Fri Jun 22 17:10:49 UTC 2012

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Nicolas Brisset <nicolas.brisset at free.fr>wrote:

> - When you drag a text label, it first lands completely offset until you
> drag it again

I can't reproduce this, but I did find another bug while looking for it:
you can't set the default for reference bottom left or bottom right.

> - In zoom mode it is extremely hard to call the label menu from the RMB.
> In layout mode it's OK, but not everybody will think about that. Sometimes
> it works in zoom mode, but I haven't quite figured out when.

I see this too...  I'll fix it if its easy.

> - When formatting text labels you don't see the effect in the preview at
> the top of the dialog

What preview?

> , which would be minor if you saw the result when you hit apply but that's
> not the case. Apply seems to be broken!

I see this and will fix it.

> - I can't get the What's this to show in the label dialog to get help on
> formatting => make it the tooltip?

I get a what's this '?' icon in the window frame that works fine.  You
In any case, a better system might be in order.  This might even call for a
'format help' button (?)

> - When using formatted text there is no underline button, even though it
> is pretty standard (there again, LaTEX is your friend... if you're a
> geek!). If it's not too hard, we could add it for the sake of habit. But
> it's not a real must. I'll let you decide on that one.

Underline is *lame*.

> - Text labels look bad and are sluggish during drag. (Use transparency
> while dragging is checked, otherwise it looks even worse)

Driver issue?  Upstream?

> - One more small bug: when you have an "Edit view item" window open and
> close the main window, Kst does not exit and the view dialog remains open.

I see this also.

> There are a couple other points I still have to think about more /
> experiment with:
> - y-axis shared boxes (I thought switching to create shared axis box and
> then drawing a horizontal rubberband encompassing plots in a same line
> would create a series of plots sharing y axes, but apparently it's not as
> simple as that?)

An axis is only shared automatically if all of the plots already have the
same range.

> - the save as default thing which also triggers apply

It does not trigger apply.  It just enables the apply button, so that you
can apply if you want to.

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C. Barth Netterfield
University of Toronto
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