[Kst] Support for plotting date and time on the x-axis

Tawanda Rushwaya tawarush at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 06:06:51 UTC 2011

I have data in the format below:
2011-11-18 15:56:13,728,610
2011-11-18 15:56:13,641,540

where the first column is the date and time. This data is being generated
in real time and a new colum of data is added for each minute. Kst plot the
two columns nicely on the y-axis but to interpret the date and plot it on
the x-axis is the problem. Is there any plugin which would enable Kst
to read date and time in ASCII files and interpret it correctly? If there
is how do I add it to Kst?

*Rushwaya Tawanda
10 Edwards*
*skype: rushwaya.tawanda*
*Mobile +263 772 222 517*
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