[Kst] Re: UI question wrt to the border suppression options

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Thu Jan 27 19:09:07 CET 2011

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Barth Netterfield <
netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Nicolas Brisset <nicolas.brisset at free.fr>wrote:
>> As a matter of fact, that would even solve one of the roadmap entries:
>> "empty labels not taken into account in plot dialog (needs one space)"
> I think this problem is something else: IIRC the dialog foolishly uses an
> empty label to mean 'auto label' so you can't actually ever have an empty
> lable... or something totally lame like that.
OK.  I looked into this.  The problem is with how the plot dialog decides if
a line-edit is 'dirty' and so should be applied, or not (eg,  Checkboxes are
tristate, etc.).  If its not dirty, it isn't applied.  This comes up because
of edit-multiple.   The current code uses empty to mean 'doesn't need to be
applied'.  Which is terrible if what you wanted to do was empty a label.

Clearly, if you are not in edit-multiple mode, it should be applied always.

If you are in edit multiple mode, you might or might not want to apply the
label, (depending on if you have changed it or not) and you want some visual
feedback that you have changed it.
proposals for edit multiple mode:

  -any change makes it dirty.  Make the label bold once you have made the
change as visual feedback (or make it grey until modified).
  -preload the linedit with "<No Change>".  If the user changes it, apply
it.  Otherwise, don't.
  -add a 'use' checkbox when in edit multiple mode.  It is automatically set
if you modify the line edit, but can be unset if you change your mind
  -something else.

C. Barth Netterfield
University of Toronto
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