[Kst] Re: branches/work/kst/portto4-sharedpointer

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at gmx.net
Fri Jan 7 13:31:58 CET 2011

On 07.01.2011 13:16, Barth Netterfield wrote:
> How can you select release vs debug builds?

Good point. there is a cmake variable which must be set
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug/Release. But I'll add a shorter option
kst_release. Default is debug, is this ok?

cmake ../kst/cmake -Dkst_release=1

> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Barth Netterfield <
> netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca> wrote:
>> Thanks!   I'll give it a try.
>> On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 12:49 AM, Peter Kümmel <syntheticpp at gmx.net> wrote:
>>> On 07.01.2011 05:23, Barth Netterfield wrote:
>>>> Is kst2 now able to build with cmake?  If so, could you include a short
>>>> tutorial on what you need and how to do it?
>>>> thanks!
>>> I've renamed the old INSTALL to INSTALL.qmake and described cmake build
>>> system in INSTALL:
>>> =========================
>>> Building Kst with CMake
>>> =========================
>>> Install CMake from www.cmake.org or your distribution (version >= 2.8).
>>> 3rd party libraries
>>> -------------------
>>>        Install Qt 4 and make sure qmake is found.
>>>                Add the folder with qmake to the environment variable PATH.
>>>                If you've compiled Qt by yourself or qmake is not found
>>> after
>>>                installing Qt fix PATH,
>>>                Linux/Unix: export PATH=<your path to qt>/bin:$PATH
>>>                Windows   : set PATH=<your path to qt>\bin;%PATH%
>>>        Libraries for plugins:
>>>        Currently only Getdata, Gsl, and Netcdf are supported.
>>>        On pkg systems the libraries should be found automatically,
>>>        on non-pkg systems like Windows you must point to the libraries
>>>        by environment variables NETCDF_DIR, GETDATA_DIR, and GSL_DIR.
>>> Generating build system files
>>> -----------------------------
>>>        CMake is a build system file generator. On all systems it could
>>>        generate files for several build systems, for instance Makefiles
>>>        for make, project files for Visual Studio, Xcode, Eclipse.
>>>        Running cmake without any argument lists all supported build
>>>        systems on your system. Passing one of them as -G"<build system
>>> name>"
>>>        argument when running cmake selects this.
>>> Building out-of-source
>>> ----------------------
>>>        The standard way of using CMake is to build in a folder which
>>> doesn't resides
>>>        in the source tree. This has the advantage, that a complete fresh
>>> build could
>>>        be done by simply deleting all files in the build folder and to
>>> re-run cmake
>>>        again.
>>>        Another benefit of out-of-source builds is that several builds
>>> (debug, release,
>>>        command-line builds, IDE project files) could all use the same
>>> source tree.
>>>        Therefore when using cmake create a folder outside of the source
>>> tree and
>>>        select this folder when using CMake's GUI, cmake-gui, or go into
>>> this folder
>>>        when you call cmake from the shell.
>>> Using cmake
>>> -------------
>>>        When calling cmake you must pass the path to the source tree
>>> (absolute are relative)
>>>        and optionally the generator (each system has its own default).
>>> Additional arguments
>>>        could be passed with the -D prefix.
>>>        Here some examples, assuming the build folder is in the same folder
>>> as the source tree:
>>>        * Makefiles on Linux
>>>                cmake ../kst/cmake
>>>        * Project files for QtCreator:
>>>                Open the kst/cmake/CMakeLists.txt file and select the build
>>> folder
>>>                or create the files in the command line using the
>>> -G"CodeBlocks *" option, eg
>>>                        cmake ../kst/cmake -G"CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles"
>>>        * Project files for Xcode
>>>                cmake ../kst/cmake -GXcode
>>>        * Project files for Visual Studio 10
>>>                cmake ..\kst\cmake -G"Visual Studio 10"
>>>        * NMake files for Visual Studio
>>>                cmake ..\kst\cmake -G"NMake Makefiles"
>>>        * Makefiles for MinGW
>>>                cmake ..\kst\cmake -G"MinGW Makefiles"
>>> Options
>>> -------
>>>        Options could be passed by the -D prefix when running cmake.
>>>        Available options will be listed on each cmake run:
>>>        -- kst_merge_files          = OFF     : Merge files to speedup
>>> build
>>>        -- kst_merge_rebuild        = OFF     : Rebuild generated files
>>> from merged files build
>>>        To enable a option pass the value ON or 1, eg
>>>                cmake ../kst/cmake -Dkst_merge_files=1
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Kst mailing list
>>> Kst at kde.org
>>> https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kst
>> --
>> C. Barth Netterfield
>> University of Toronto
>> 416-845-0946
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