[Kst] branches/work/kst/portto4/kst/src

Brisset, Nicolas Nicolas.Brisset at eurocopter.com
Tue Aug 16 16:43:01 UTC 2011

> SVN commit 1243290 by joshuanetterfield:
> Adds a completer to the equation editor and label editor.
Hi Joshua, 

Somehow your name sounds familiar :-) I guess you'll have top-notch
support to get started on kst!

I've just come back from vacation and I'm working myself slowly through
the accumulated mails. I couldn't resist testing your new
auto-completer. It looks pretty nifty! Thanks a lot.
The only thing I kind of miss is a sort of search-as-you-type function.
For example, if I'm looking for the mean of a vector whose name starts
with ALPHA, and I have a lot of ALPHA* vectors with a lot of scalars
each, I'd like to be able to type alpha*mean in the lineedit (yes,
case-insensitive even!) and get a list of matches. I have not looked at
the code, so I have no idea how difficult this would be, but it'd be
tremendously helpful. And I think there's even a wish for something
similar in bugzilla, though I'm too lazy to look for it now!



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