[Kst] kst 2.0 quirks...

Matthew D Truch matt at truch.net
Thu Jan 28 19:19:45 CET 2010

Some more quirks I've noticed, all with SVN as of some time this

1. When the x axis set to to interpret as standard C time, the time is
displayed correctly on the axis labels, but just displays as the raw
value in the status bar (on the lower left of the window).  This is both
in "normal mode" and in "data mode".

2. When in data mode, the status bar shows the backslashes used to
escape characters in curve names.  I think that maybe (but maybe not)
the status bar should render the names (with subscripts and
superscripts, for example).  The status bar should certainly not show
escaping backslashes.  

3. Data mode no longer easily finds the point nearest the cursor.
In kst 1.x, you could easily get datamode to locate points on a spike or
other outlier on a dense curve, but now it actually seems to pick the
point at the current x value, even if the cursor is significantly closer
to a different point.  

4. When displaying an axis as time, "offset mode" turns on (good), but
only displays offsets in seconds (bad).  When a day's worth of data is
on the screen, the unit shouldn't be seconds, or even minutes.  

5. When displaying an axis as time and offset mode is on, the offset
steps should be natural for the type of units.  100 seconds is not
natural (120 would be, or better, 2 minutes; see the bug above).  

"Physics isn't difficult; it's just weird. -- Vincent Icke"
Matthew Truch
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Pennsylvania
matt at truch.net
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