[Kst] Png option not working?

Bourne, Wesley Wesley.Bourne at MorganStanley.com
Thu Oct 29 10:33:57 CET 2009


I'm having an issue with the png export option. I couldn't find an existing issue in bugzilla describing the same issue.

kst --version
Qt: 3.3.8b
KDE: 3.5.10
Kst: 1.8.0

In 1.7.0 I was exporting charts like this:

kst --png ~/chart.png ~/plotspec.kst

In 1.8 the png file never appears. If I remove the --png argument (kst ~/plotspec.kst) the chart opens correctly and is populated. If I replace --png with --print the .ps file appears.

How can I help to debug this?

Wesley Bourne
Morgan Stanley | IDEAS Practice Areas
25 Cabot Square | Canary Wharf | Floor 03
London, E14 4QA
Phone: +44 20 7425-0977
Wesley.Bourne at MorganStanley.com<mailto:Wesley.Bourne at MorganStanley.com>

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