[Kst] branches/work/kst/2.0.0-beta2/kst

Mike Fenton mike at staikos.net
Fri May 8 16:38:31 CEST 2009

SVN commit 965322 by fenton:

Add Windows mingw Install details.

 M  +47 -3     INSTALL  

--- branches/work/kst/2.0.0-beta2/kst/INSTALL #965321:965322
@@ -24,8 +24,51 @@
 #2.  The qmake command line needs to be updated to include -spec macx-g++.
 #3.  An error has been observed compiling view.cpp, view.h may need to be updated to change QXmlStreamWriter to QCoreXmlStreamWriter on line 45.
+Windows using mingw
+Note:  This process must be done using the windows shell directly.  It cannot be done within cygwin or msys and neither can be included in the path.
+1. Download or otherwise install Qt 4.4/4.5.
+2. Update environment variables for build.
+  a. This can be done using the Qt command line as installed in the Qt Creator bundle.
+  b. This can be done using qtvars.bat generated by Qt and included below.
+  c. This can be done manually following these steps.
+    i. Make sure your QTDIR is set to that Qt installation.
+    ii. Update your path to include ..\mingw\bin and %QTDIR%\bin
+    iii. set QMAKESPEC environmental variable to %QTDIR%\mkspecs\win32-g++ 
+3. mkdir build && cd build
+4. qmake -r ../kst.pro
+5. mingw32-make
+Notes:  Be careful to ensure there's nothing else in path that might interfere.  Cygwin, msys and various other things all have individual make and sh executables that are slightly incompatible.
+qtvars.bat - mingw - Update directories to match machine configuration.
+ at echo off
+rem This file is generated
+echo Setting up a MinGW/Qt only environment...
+echo -- QTDIR set to C:\Qt\4.5.1
+echo -- PATH set to C:\Qt\4.5.1\bin
+echo -- Adding C:\Qt\MinGW\bin to PATH
+echo -- Adding %SystemRoot%\System32 to PATH
+echo -- QMAKESPEC set to win32-g++
+set QTDIR=C:\Qt\4.5.1
+set PATH=C:\Qt\4.5.1\bin
+set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Qt\MinGW\bin
+set PATH=%PATH%;%SystemRoot%\System32
+set QMAKESPEC=win32-g++
+Windows using Visual Studio
 Note:  This has only been build using Visual Studio & Cygwin.  The following steps
 are used on the current Windows build machine used for testing, but may vary.
@@ -41,12 +84,13 @@
 7b.  If libkstapp fails to build the following steps should circumvent the error.
   1) run nmake >makelog
   2) locate the cl.exe command line including application.cpp and copy it
-  3) run the command line from (2)
+  3) Replace all \ with \\ in the command
+  4) Starting in the build directory, cd src\libkstapp, paste the command line, return to the build directory
   4) rerun nmake.
 8. ../run-kst
-qtvars.bat  - Update directories to match machine configuration.
+qtvars.bat - Visual Studio - Update directories to match machine configuration.
 @echo off

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