[Kst] Kst 2.0.0. Beta 1 Release

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Sat Dec 13 19:07:54 CET 2008

On Saturday 13 December 2008 12:20:46 Matthew D Truch wrote:
> I certainly can't package up kst for Fedora (and I doubt anyone 
> for any distribution  without these in order (along with a working
> DESTDIR-type target for make install).

OK.  "Build system broken."  We'll put this at the top of our bug list, and 
build a new beta once it is fixed.

> Finally, is this beta supposed to be feature compatible with the kst 1.x
> branch?  

No.  Should be called an alpha.  You know... KDE style release name inflation.

> Should I submit bugs for things that you can't do with kst2 
> that you can in kst1?  If so, should I use the bugzilla, or just post 
> messages here?

Mike is going to get Bugzilla up for 2.0.  He has also built a bug-commiter 
into help for the next beta.

In the mean time, make a list (don't need long descriptions) and post it here.  
I'll flag which ones need more detail.  Several little things have been fixed 
since the beta was tagged.

> That said, from the 34 seconds I've spent fiddling with kst2, it seems
> much, MUCH faster and more responsive.


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