[Kst] kst2 problems...

Adam Treat treat at kde.org
Thu Sep 27 17:36:14 CEST 2007

On Thursday 27 September 2007, Barth Netterfield wrote:
> the ascii data source actually is used to load a variety of different file
> types.  It can read white space delimited columns, csvs, fixed with
> columns, etc.  And it might be taking field names from the file.  There may
> be different standards for comment delimieters.... And it may be that in a
> given session, you have read in some of each.
> SO:
> -we need to be able to have a different (sticky) setting for each specific
> file
> -we need to be able to have a (sticky) set of rules for knowing that .csv
> files are comma separated files, etc.
> -we need to be able to set a (sticky) default for all files it can't figure
> out some other way.
> BUT:
> someone might send me a .kst file and a tmp.dat file (in some format that I
> don't typically use)....  Loading the kst file should work.  So the sticky
> settings need to be able to be overriden by non-sticky settings in the kst
> file.
> Now... how you store all this information is another question.  Maybe just
> one ascii config place where all of the stuff is stored is the easiest.

The easiest thing to implement, by far is just to let ascii plugin store 
everything to one file.  The problem with this is it sounds like we'll have 
to have settings in this file of the kind:

MySession = do this, blah, blah
MySession/MyDat.dat = do that, blah, blah
Mysession/MyDat1.dat = do yet another thing
MySession2 = do even more different things
MySession2/MyDat.dat ..... etc, etc

That would suck I think.  I think these settings should probably be stored in 
the session file itself and then passed to the datasource...


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