[Kst] Comments on the new plot dialog

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Fri Oct 20 18:10:04 CEST 2006

I think I agree (at least enought to try it).

Double click in zoom mode:
	if a curve is close enough, open its dialog
	else open the highest view object (which will likely be the plot).

Double click in Layout mode:
	open the highest view object.


On Friday 20 October 2006 09:37, Brisset, Nicolas wrote:
> > On the other hand, I think you can hold multiple plot dialogs open.
> Right, that works. But it clobbers the screen quite a bit ! I think I
> still prefer the "single dialog with switchable contents" approach...
> > Single Clicking on the borders of a plot opens the dialog.
> > Currently double
> > clicking in a plot is used to select a plot object's dialog
> > (which needs to be made more consistent).
> > Should we loose double clicking on plot objects to enable
> > double clicking on view objects?
> Couldn't we have double-click for everything, in both layout *and* zoom
> modes ? That would be very consistent ! If you double click on the plot
> background (no plot object nearby) instead of doing nothing, you pop up
> the plot dialog. Double-clicking the axes brings up the same dialog with
> the corresponding tab open (X axis or Y axis according to which was
> clicked). If you double-click a view object (if I'm not mistaken,
> legends and drawing objects are view objects) you open the appropriate
> dialog, and double-clicking a plot objects pops up its dialog...
> By the way, I'm experimenting while writing this mail and I just got
> confused by different behaviors between zoom and layout modes. In view
> object mode (rectangle) double-clicking the plot opens up the plot
> dialog, and if you have once opened a view object dialog (e.g. a
> rectangle shape) then you keep on bringing up its dialog, even clicking
> on other, unrelated plots. Well, it looks like this area needs a bit of
> cleanup...
> So let's first try to answer a very basic and central question: is there
> any good reason to have different behaviors in zoom and layout/drawing
> modes on double-click ? Is there anything that prevents us from popping
> up the right dialog for the object that was just clicked ?

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