[Kst] Kst2DRenderer + Refactoring Proposal

Ted Kisner tskisner.public at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 23:09:34 CEST 2005

Hello kst folks, 

here is a more detailed proposal to accomodate painting data in non-cartesian 
coordinate systems.  Also includes some refactoring of Kst2DPlot.  

Basically I have tried to go through all the existing code and determine what 
kind of class interface is needed and then have tried to create that class.  
Feedback is very welcome- especially anything I missed in the 
"implementation" section.

If you all like these ideas, then we can move to the next step of testing some 
code.  Since there are so many changes involved, I think it would be safest 
if I either made a temporary patchset against svn HEAD and posted this for 
people play with, or created an "experimental" branch in svn for a few weeks-- 
but I recall George mentioning that this is a maintenance nightmare.  Also, I 
have no idea how difficult it is to merge changes between branches later.  I 
imagine this is done by hand by taking an svn diff from one branch and 
attempting to merge it to the other...

Also, I see on the list that there is talk of changing the plotdialog around- 
so this would impact a couple steps in the implementation below.



A)  Current configuration.  The painting code is currently set up like this:

KstApp : KMdiMainFrm
   ---> KstViewWindow : KMdiChildFrm
            ---> KstTopLevelView
                 (friend) KstViewWidget
                 o The top level view has an instance of a QPainter
                   which is set to draw on the KstViewWidget.
                 o The top level view has a list of KstViewObjects
                   which it calls on to paint on the QPainter.

B)  One such descendent of KstViewObject is 
Kst2DPlot : KstPlotBase : KstMetaPlot : KstBorderedViewObject : KstViewObject

C)  Kst2DPlot draws the axes, legends, tick marks, etc and then calls on all 
KstBaseCurves to paint themselves.  The base curves are provided with the 
QPainter reference to paint to.


1.  For this discussion, 2D "rendering" is the act of taking data lying in a 
general 2D coordinate space (U,V) and drawing it (using QPainter primitives) 
in a section of the cartesian (window space) plane.

2.  For this discussion, 3D "rendering" is the act of taking data lying in a 
general 3D coordinate space (U,V,W) and drawing it (using, e.g. OpenGL) in a 
section of cartesian space.

So when I say "render", what I really mean is a combination of a coordinate 
transformation/projection to cartesian space and then painting this cartesian 
data to a window.


I propose the creation of a new Kst2DRenderer (3D will come later, once we 
have Kst3DPlot working).  This new object will wrap a QPainter and provide an 
interface for drawing in terms of native U/V coordinates.  The goals are the 

a)  Remove all notion of "X and Y" coordinates-- unless we decide to keep 
calling it "X" and "Y" when we mean U/V, in order to minimize code changes.  
All work is done in native (U,V) coordinates and the window coordinates of a 
QPainter.  The currently selected Kst2DRenderer determines how things in 
(U,V) space are drawn to the QPainter.

b)  All QPainter commands in 2DPlot and the basecurves that involve (U,V) 
space coordinates are converted into calls to a Kst2DRenderer.  This does 
not affect things like drawing the legend or other calls to the QPainter that 
are in terms of pixels.

This new Kst2DRenderer will have the following members/methods:

0.  Normal QDom handling and save/load/etc functionality

1.  Coordinate Range.  The current Min/Max values of the (U,V) coordinate 
space.  There is no a priori restriction on these values, since in some cases 
Min > Max, e.g. a plot of spherical data centered on the prime meridian where 

2.  Range checking methods.  Each descendent of Kst2DRenderer should check 
that the current range makes sense for the specific type of rendering.  Also 
include methods to check individual U/V values for validity.  If values are 
out of range, return sensible default for this type of rendering.  Also 
provide test functions to determine if a value lies within the current range.

3.  Simple functions for doing coordinate transformations for a single ordered 
pair (U,V) <--> (Xwindow,Ywindow), given the currently specified range of the 
(U,V) space and the current window coordinates of the QPainter.

4.  Graphics primitives, given in terms of (U,V) coordinates, including:

5.  config dialog, with options specific to the type of rendering being done.

See attached files for a rough definition of this class.  In order to support 
polylines in (U,V) coordinates, I have also created a simple QValueVector of 
pairs of doubles-- does such a class already exist?  If so, we could just use 
that instead of the DPointArray I came up with.

Typical Useage

Here is a typical example of useage from within Kst2DPlot:

1.  In Kst2DPlot, the Kst2DRenderer is allocated in the constructor and set to 
the default type (cartesian).

2.  A combobox in the plotdialog is used to select the desired type of 
Renderer.  Kst2DPlot has a method (called by the dialog) to switch to a new 
type of Renderer (allocate the new and delete the old).

3.  In the paint/draw functions, the Kst2DRenderer._painter is set to the 
current painter.  The U/V range is set based on the min/max values stored in 
2DPlot.  The painter window and viewport are set up as they are now.  The 
Kst2DRenderer._pSpace is set to the desired sub-rectangle (in window 
coordinates) of the QPainter  All U/V drawing functions perform the necessary 
projection/painting based on the U/V range and the current subsection of the 

(including some unrelated refactoring of Kst2DPlot)

Implementation requires some refactoring of Kst2DPlot and modifications to the 
basecurves.  However, I think things will be simpler in the long run ;-)  
Here is (I think) a mostly complete list of the changes needed to implement 

0.  Do we want to actually rename X and Y in the code to U/V or something 
else?  If not, then "X" and "Y" become our generalized coordinates- they are 
no longer assumed to be cartesian.

1.  Add a member to Kst2DPlot that is an instance of a Kst2DRenderer.

2.  Create descendents of Kst2DRenderer for the existing types of plots 
(cartesian and Log).

3.  Create config dialogs for the cartesian and Log renderers which 
contain the options currently found in the Plotdialog->{X,Y} Axis->Scale 
block (i.e. time display, reversal, etc).

4.  In Plotdialog.ui, combine the X Axis and Y Axis tabs into a single "Axes" 
tab.  This is similar to how the "Range" tab is set up.  Remove the "Scale" 
sub blocks from these.  Using the resulting extra space in the "Axes" tab, 
add a combobox to choose between the available Kst2DRenderers.  Beneath 
this combo box, have a "configure" button, that can pop up a detailed config 
dialog depending on the selected type of Rendering.  Cartesian and Log 
renderers would have options like displaying interpreted axis labels.  
Spherical/Sinusoidal renderer might have options like display in RA/DEC, 
lat/long, or radians.

5.  In Kst2DPlot, we no longer need the (many) xlog and ylog boolean flags.  
As far as 2DPlot is concerned, it always draws in U,V coordinates.  Remove 
members _xLog and _yLog.  Remove bools from common constructor.

6.  In Kst2DPlot, commonConstructor:  call range checking functions in the 
Renderer instead.

7.  In Kst2DPlot, Move CheckRange and CheckLRange to their respective 

8.  In Kst2DPlot, have setScale, setXScale and setYscale call the range 
functions in the Renderer.  Remove setLScale, setLXScale and setLYScale.  

9.  In Kst2DPlot, updateScale:  remove all reference to boolean _xLog and 
_yLog.  Simply query basecurves for min/max values.  The autoborder option 
will create a border in U,V coordinates.  Use Renderer's checkRange 

10.  In Kst2DPlot, time functions:  Can't we move all this time stuff to a 
"KstTime" class?  We could remove ~330 lines here alone.  I can do this at 
some point, but it's low priority now...

11.  In Kst2DPlot, time functions and genAxisTick*Label :  Remove log mode 
stuff- "z" will always be either just a number in U/V coordinates or 

12.  TICK MARKS:  there is a ton of crazy stuff going on in 2DPlot for 
computing where to draw ticks.  There may need to be some changes.  The basic 
method should be:  determine desired U/V tick spacing, check that ticks are 
not too close or far apart in pixel space, if so then autotick, draw ticks at 
locations determined by calling the renderobject's UVtoPix function.

13.  In Kst2DPlot::draw, KstCurveRenderContext should contain a reference to 
the Kst2DRenderer, rather than the raw QPainter.  Basecurves should never 
be drawing directly in pixel coordinates (except for specifying certain 
pixel-sized features in the renderer's primitives).

14.  In Kst2DPlot, setTicks:  Again, we need to figure out a reworking of the 
tick handling that calls the render object to find out how far apart the 
ticks will be in pixel space.

15.  In Kst2DPlot, setCursorPos:  getNearestDataPoint finds the closest point 
in U/V space.  Set _cursor_x and _cursor_y by calling render object to 
convert mouse.tracker coordinates to data coordinates.

16.  In Kst2DPlot, updateMousePos:  use render object to find xpos and ypos

17.  In Kst2DPlot, getNearestDataPoint:  Use render object to compute the 
current mouse location in U,V coordinates.

18.  In Kst2DPlot, highlightNearestDataPoint:  Use render object primitive to 
draw highlighted point.

19.  In Kst2DPlot, mouseReleaseEvent:  Call the render object's coordinate 
transforms to figure out the new U/V range values based on the mouse's QRect.

20.  In Kst2DPlot, remove menuXLogSlot and menuYLogSlot.

21.  In Kst2DPlot, moveToNextMarker/moveToPrevMarker:  mostly OK, need to 
remove log stuff.  currCenter and newCenter are in terms of U/V coordinates. 

22.  In Kst2DPlot, zoomSelfYLocalMax:  Curves return their min/max as 
currently coded.  Call render object for range checking and to get sensible 

23.  In Kst2DPlot, xZoomNormal/yZoomNormal:  Use renderobject's functions to 
compute new min/max.

24.  In Kst2DPlot, plotMarkers:  call render object to determine if marker 
value is within the current range.

25.  In Kst2DPlot, plotPlotMarkers:  call render object's drawLine primitive 

26.  In Kst2DPlot, plotAxes:  More tick issues.  Assuming we have already 
determined the correct major/minor spacing in (U,V) coordinates (i.e. in 
setTicks), all we need to do here is for each tick, find the pixel location 
by calling the renderobject's conversion, then draw the tick at this location 
in pixel space using the QPainter.drawLine primitive.  Lots of code saving 
from removing all the Log-based stuff.

27.  In Kst2DPlot, plotGridLines:  simply call the renderobject's drawLine 
function instead of the QPainter one.

28.  In Kst2DPlot, mouseDoubleClickEvent:  Use renderobject to find mouse 
location in U/V coordinates.

29.  In Kst2DPlot, draw:  The KstCurveRenderContext contains too much info.  
We don't need the x_min, y_min, etc that are used for log plots.  We also 
don't need the L/H/m/b variables, since basecurves should not need to know 
about the conversion from U,V to pixels.  All they need is the min/max U/V 
range and a pointer to the Kst2DRenderer.

29.  In KstBaseCurve:  Change KstCurveRenderContext to contain a pointer to a 
Kst2DRenderer.  Remove useless members.

30.  In KstVCurve:  When painting, call renderobject's primitives.  Use 
DPointArray (see attached files) of U/V values for polyline function.  This 
should clean out a ton of code in this function, since we don't need to do 
any pixelspace stuff.  For some drawing, we may want objects that have a 
fixed size in pixels (error bar ends, plot symbols, etc).  We can then use 
the "fixed" drawing primitives in Kst2DRenderer.

31.  In KstImage, paint function:  For colormap, rather than building up a 
QImage and painting it, we should draw each matrix element as a filled 
rectangle in (U,V) space using Kst2DRenderer->fillRect.  This allows the 
renderer to morph each rectangle into some other shape based on the type 
of rendering.  Remove all the pixel crap.  Simply iterate through all matrix 
elements and call fillRect based on the U/V range.

32.  In KstImage, paint function:  For contours, we have a problem.  The 
contour step is currently specified in pixels.  I don't know what to do here- 
any suggestions?  Aside from this, I think we just need to call 
Kst2DRenderer->drawLine instead of using the QPainter.

33. Add Kst2DRenderers for other types of display (polar coordinates, 
spherical/sinusoidal, spherical/polar, etc)

Future Benefits

OpenGL for 3D and 2D:  one could imagine having KstViewWidget inherit from 
QGLWidget instead of QWidget.  In this case, all KstViewObjects (including 
Kst2DPlot) would have a QGLContext rather than a QPainter reference.  We 
could then modify Kst2DRenderer to draw primitives with OpenGL commands, 
and all basecurve painting would immediately benefit from this enhancement.
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