[Kst] Build error

Matthew D Truch matt at truch.net
Mon Jan 24 21:47:20 CET 2005

On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 08:42:49AM +0000, Philip Rodrigues wrote:
> > >   I'm willing to be the problem is here.  Is there a workaround possible?
> > >  In most cases, updating libxml is not a viable option since there is a
> > > strong group of RedHat9 die-hards... :-)
> >
> > Although I'm for uping the requirments to qt-3.2, I was building this on
> > a fully compliant (official base and upgrade rpms only) RH9.  It only
> > has one KDE installed, the one that comes with RH9.  I have built kst on
> Which version is that?

[matt at truch ~]$ kst --version
Qt: 3.1.1
KDE: 3.1-13 Red Hat
Kst: 0.99

Although the version (of kst) I was trying to compile (and then install)
is CVS HEAD as of a couple days ago.  

> > that very machine several times, although I haven't for about a month
> > before today.  Before meinproc was always able to build the docs (even
> > the translations).
> Could you check with a different KDE docbook document? If you don't have the 
> rest of KDE from cvs, you could grab one from webcvs.kde.org. 
> If you could also check the versions of libxml2 and libxslt with 'xml2-config 
> --version' and 'xslt-config --version' respectively, I'll check whether 
> they're on the known-bad list.

[matt at truch ~]$ xml2-config --version
[matt at truch ~]$ xslt-config --version
xslt-config: Command not found.
[matt at truch ~]$ rpm -q libxslt

Is this the problem, that I don't have a full xslt install?

"I think better with a glass of beer in front of me; two heads are better than one!"
Matthew Truch
Department of Physics
Brown University
matt at truch.net
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