[Kst] RC files

Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Tue Jan 11 22:30:29 CET 2005

On Tuesday 11 January 2005 14:34, George Staikos wrote:
> kstautosaverc:  There is no point in this at all.  It should go through
> KstSettings, and should be saved as a subgroup in kstrc.  Do we need a
> migration script here?  I don't think so....

I agree.

> kstextensionsrc: This needs to exist so that extensions don't clobber Kst
> settings, and to keep kstrc small.
> kstdatarc: Ditto above.  This is for data sources only.

What goes in these two?

> kstrc: Lots of problems here:
> 1) passwords are not even obscured.  At least base64 them.  We could also
> use KWallet here.

These are for elog?  A simple obscuration is fine.  ELOG does not support 
encryption in any way.

> 2) [Kst] is full of things that don't belong there.  We need to regroup. 
> This includes:
>    i) Email settings - should go to an [EMail] group and drop the "EMail "
> prefix on keys


>    ii) Grid lines - should go to a [Grid Lines] group I guess, or is this
> something that really belongs in the .kst files instead?
>    iii) X Axis display/interpret/etc - Should go to a new group too?

There are a bunch of things that get cached by vector defaults.  I think that 
the spirit of these is the same.  These are default values which are 
implemented for filling dialogs, but get over-ridden by kst files.  As for 
grouping....  don't care.

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