[Kst] Looks like we need a new mini-release... 0.99.1

C. Barth Netterfield netterfield at astro.utoronto.ca
Thu Aug 26 05:05:12 CEST 2004

One of the BLAST guys just found a pretty serious bug today, which I just 
fixed.  We need to release a fix for it.

We can either
	i) patch the 0.99 branch
	ii) make a new mini-release from head.

I am really excited by the many new features which have flooded in from the 
west in the last couple days, so I would love to do (ii) if we think it is 
stable enough. 

Andrew and Rick: how ready does HEAD feel to you for a mini-release?  Can we 
spend Thursday poking and polishing, so I can package up tomorrow night?
Then back to the races Friday.

what do you think?


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