[Kroupware] IMAP issues

Bradley Alexander storm at tux.org
Fri Mar 19 19:50:19 CET 2004

I finally got Kolab working after a fashion. Postfix is delivering email
to the Kolab mail server. However, I am unable to get the mail on the
client using IMAP. 

I am using Kontact. In the kmail config, under the network tab ->
Receiving, I have a single account set up with my kolab login, password
and host on port 143. I have the following ticked:

Store IMAP password in the config file
Automatically compact folders
Show hidden folders
Load attachments on demand
Enable interval mail checking (5min)

In the security tab, I checked what the server supports, and it gave me
encryption "None" and "Use TLS for secure mail download." (If openssl is
installed, why doesn't it allow SSL mail download?) For Authentication
method, it only allows Clear text. So I selected TLS and clear text.

When I click OK, my machine connects to the mail server, and comes back
with 0 messages. I am looking at my mail queue in /var/spool/mail/ on the
mailserver and I currently have 409 messages sitting out there. How do I
get IMAP to realize this?

I have looked in /kolab/var/imapd/user/s, and I see the following:

total 4
-rw-------    1 kolab-r  kolab-r         0 Mar 15 18:01 storm at subdomain^foo^org.seen
-rw-------    1 kolab-r  kolab-r        40 Mar 18 21:18 storm at subdomain^foo^org.sub

Can someone tell me where the disconnect lies?

I'm also going to need to set up some antispam software. On my current
postfix installation, I am using a combination of spamassassin and
bogofilter through procmail. I was thinking about using bogofilter and
dspam. Whats the best way to go through sieve? I know there was a howto
posted to the list for spamassassin+sieve, which I am going to go check
out as soon as this goes out. I was just wondering if anyone has tried
anything else.

Bradley M. Alexander                |
SysAdmin, Security Engineer    |   storm [at] tux.org
Debian/GNU Linux Developer          |   storm [at] debian.org
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DSA 0x54434E65: 37F6 BCA6 621D 920C E02E  E3C8 73B2 C019 5443 4E65
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If its stupid but it works, it ain't stupid.
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