[Kroupware] Anybody currently working on the kolab web interface

Jeffrey Lim jeffrey at eaopportunities.com
Mon Mar 15 05:27:26 CET 2004

Was just wondering. I'm half considering looking into doing some work on 
it, but thought it would be better to ask first if anybody is doing this 
already on the list. (This is of course, pending my understanding of the 
kolabd code, which i havent looked at, picking up php fast, and 
understanding roughly how the components in kolab work. I am familiar 
with apache, qmail but not postfix, courier-imap but not cyrus...)

Stuff that i'm thinking is lacking now are administrative functions for, 
say, email administration - viewing the emails that a user has in the 
queue, being able to delete certain messages, check quota usage of each 
user, etc. etc...

So, is anybody thinking of, or doing work already, on the kolab web 
interface? If so, pls let me (and the list) know.


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