[Kroupware] Integration with Exchange server

Jon Bendtsen jon at kollegiegaarden.dk
Fri Jan 30 17:52:45 CET 2004

Den 30. jan 2004, kl. 17:12, skrev SNOW, MICHAEL (SBCSI):

> Will the Kroupware server product share calendaring information with
> Exchange server?  If not, is there a plan underway to develop such a
> connector?

Not knowing where exchange stores the kalendering information, but
knowing that kolab stores it in text files in
It should be trivial to mail those to the exchange server, but i'm not 
how else you could store them there. You might be better off looking at
how you can store data in your exchange DB.

Then there is the freebusy list, which is stored in a text file
/kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/<user initials>.vfb
The freebusy list is a standard? format so i hope exchange stores them
as textfiles, or that you can pull them out of the exchange db.

> Also, I didn't see anything to suggest that Kroupware has any form of
> real-time support available (even fee-based).  Am I missing something?

I dont know of any that advertises about this, but i'm sure you can get 
to offer support, given you throw enough money after it. Personaly i 
mind offering you support for money, but for the next year my focus 
will be on
finishing my education. After that, i was thinking of selling 
(installation of)
kolab/kgroupware server, and giving support.


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