[Kroupware] E-Mail question

Lindner lindner_marek at yahoo.de
Tue Jan 27 11:52:39 CET 2004

Andreas Gungl schrieb:

>Thanks for the information. I've found that correctly encoded headers (= ? 
>iso8859-1 ? q ? //// without blanks) are showing up correctly. When I got 
>messages via certain mailing list software (e.g. the KDE bug tracking 
>system) then the "X" is showing up.
>Previously we used sendmail where we had not that problem. My boss is very 
>upset because of the "unreadable" addresses. I can understand him. ;-)
>How can we modify the Cyrus configuration to keep the characters (whose are 
>certainly 8bit chars)?

AFAIK you can't change this behaviour. The deliver - program is 
"reponsible" for that. But you need it to deliver your mails.   :-)
In imapd.conf you can switch between rejecting (reject8bit: yes) and 
replacing with X (reject8bit: no). 
One solution could be: Change the source of deliver, compile it and then 
replace the "normal" deliver".

But you can solve that problem elsewhere: Use MUAs which are RFC 
compliant. There is a RFC (don't know which one it is) which says that 
Mail-Headers should be 7 Bit encoded.
So, Cyrus is very gracious accepting these mails anyways.   ;-)


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