[Kroupware] Proftpd the fun never ends... (very long)

Stephan Buys list at codefusion.co.za
Fri Feb 27 15:05:51 CET 2004

Hi Ian,

Please check that your /kolab/etc/kolab/proftpd.conf.template has the following:

#AuthUserFile          /kolab/etc/proftpd/proftpd.passwd
#AuthGroupFile         /kolab/etc/proftpd/proftpd.group
LDAPServer            @@@ldap_ip@@@
LDAPDNinfo            "@@@php_dn@@@" "@@@php_pw@@@"
LDAPDoAuth            on "@@@base_dn@@@" "(uid=freebusy)"

Note that the UID is freebusy. Do not try to use your own username and password.

Kolab uses proftpd to upload freebusy information to the server, nothing else.

To verify that this works:

ftp mykolabserver
username: freebusy
password: freebusy
put sometestfile.txt

Verify that the file showed up in /kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/

You can verify that you can access the freebusy information through a web
browser as with the following url:

Please check the mail list archives for instructions on how to set up Outlook
to use your freebusy times.

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