[Kroupware] Forwarding mail to unknown recipient to another server

Paul Gargan pgargan at nexgenfs.com
Fri Apr 2 16:58:04 CEST 2004

Ellis Whitehead wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> How can kolab be configured to forward mail to unknown domain recipients to a 
> remote server for further processing?

Yep. You need to configure Postfix. Remember, don't edit the cf files 
directly, but edit their template equivilents in /kolab/etc/kolab/

Edit main.cf.template and set the "luser_relay" variable:

	luser_relay = $user at your.primary.server

This should send all mail for unknown accounts to your primary server.
$user will be expanded by Postfix to the username part of the email 
address. You can user $local to expand to the entire local part, eg if 
you have addresses like "user+extn at yourdomain.com", $local would expand 
to "user+extn".

Also, disable local recipient maps so that Kolab doesn't bounce mail to 
users it considers to be "unknown".

	local_recipient_maps =

Then run /kolab/sbin/kolabconf

As usual, YMMV so test before putting this into production.


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