AW: [Kroupware] Problems with webinterface (horde)

cle_kolab at cle_kolab at
Fri Sep 12 19:07:26 CEST 2003

> Hello. 

> But now i hav other problems.
> If i want to create a new folder i get the permission denied message 
> >from the kolab server,
> another problem is that i could not send mail because of an missing 
> directory.
> Can anyone give me some hints?

check your .../imp/config/servers.php
for kolab 1.0.5 the namespace setting is:
'INBOX/' (note trailing slash)

hope that helps

COMPUTERBILD 15/03: Premium-e-mail-Dienste im Test
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2. GMX ProMail - Platz 2 und Preis-Qualitätssieger!
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