[Kroupware] Cert not accepted by kmail

Robin Green greenrd at greenrd.org
Thu Oct 16 23:37:10 CEST 2003


We have installed kroupware for a client to get shared calendaring functionality.
However it does not currently work, so we've disabled groupware functionality for

The reason is, kmail rejects the certificate when trying to access free/busy lists
(I think) and will not let you override and choose to accept the certificate.

This could be because the default certificate is self-signed. So I tried
to create a dummy CA and use that to sign the certificate, according to
not-very-clear instructions found on the web for apache and openssl.
It's possible these instructions are out of date.
However, now:

1. Kolab's apache and something else ask you for the password for the CA
or something (it's not clear what!) on bootup. 
This is stupid - whoever implemented this, what were they thinking?
You're not supposed to wait for input from the user in init scripts, generally
speaking, unless something really bad has happened like fs corruption.
Also as I said it should identify what you are being asked to provide
the password for. I appreciate this may be an apache issue rather than
a kroupware issue.

2. KMail still rejects the certificate, just as before.



P.S. In our system all client machines are running LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project)
so all apps run on the server. So kmail is just trying to connect to localhost.

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