[Kroupware] Periodical Cyrus.db corruption

Stephan Buys list at codefusion.co.za
Fri Oct 10 22:16:08 CEST 2003

This is related to an older topic.

I have a couple of 150+ user Kolab servers that periodically "freeze" until
you run ctl_cyrusdb -r -x.

Anyone else experiencing this? I have been told by the Cyrus support guys
that 2.1.14 (the version Kolab uses at the moment) handles Berkeley DB 
connections pretty badly.

I have created a src.rpm for version Cyrus 2.1.15 which I will be testing to
see if the problem re-occurs. Anyone interested in testing, just let me know.

Stephan  Buys
Code Fusion cc.
Tel: +27 11 391 1412
Mobile: +27 83 294 1876
Email: s.buys at codefusion.co.za

Proprietor: Code Fusion cc. Reg No. CK9860179/23 
Members: S. Buys; S. Pietersen

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