[Kroupware] Relase Candidate 1 of the KDE Kolab client available

Wim Bakker kroupware@mail.kde.org
Fri, 14 Mar 2003 16:42:47 +0100

On Friday 14 March 2003 15:03, Andreas Gungl wrote:
> Am Freitag, 14. M=E4rz 2003 14:14 schrieb Wim Bakker:
> > Kmail doesn't crash anymore on shared folders , and seems to be able to
> > use them.
> Hi, I just tested RC1 (with the two mentioned changes to run on 3.1 - my
> machines are not strong enough to compile a cvs in such a short time). Ni=
> to see that KMail doesn't carsh any longer when shared folders are
> configured.
> About shared folders:
> When I set up a shared folder named blabla and I set user permissions that
> user A has all permissions and user B does only have read permission. Then
> I get the expected behaviour, that A can add (by copy or move in KMail) a=
> delete messages from blabla folder, while B is not allowed to add or remo=
> messages in KMail.
> However, is it intended that both A and B can send messages to
> blabla@mydomain? B is able to put any message in blabla this way on my
> system.
> Can someone confirm this? Do you think, this is really intended?

I don't know if it's intended , but it sure seems to work that way, and
might as well be conveniant. The shared folders are made under the=20
subdirectory user in var/spool/imap and thus might seem to imap
to be valid users, and thus allowing incoming messages to those

Wim bakker