[Kroupware] Cannot start Kolab server

Olaf Slazak Løken kroupware@mail.kde.org
Fri, 7 Mar 2003 10:02:23 +0000

This was one of the problems I had with kolab install.
You see all config files are stored in /kolab/etc/kolab/*.template
If you take a look at monit.conf.template you will see that this is the right 
config file for you installation.

I think you should run the "sh /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap" this will 
regenerate all you config files and the password for kolab.

When it's done you see your new password for kolab server.
Now check your config files in : /kolab/etc/monit.conf it should be something 
like this: (pls. remember that I have installed with the prefix /mailserver)

set daemon 60
set logfile syslog
set mailserver localhost
set httpd port 2812 and
    use address localhost
    allow localhost
    allow kolab:monit

check slapd with pidfile /mailserver/var/openldap/slapd.pid
   start program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.openldap start"
   stop program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.openldap stop"

check saslauthd with pidfile /mailserver/var/sasl/saslauthd/mux.pid
   start program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.sasl start"
   stop program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.sasl stop"

check apache with pidfile /mailserver/var/apache/run/apache.pid
   start program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.apache start"
   stop program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.apache stop"

check postfix with pidfile /mailserver/var/postfix/pid/master.pid
   start program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.postfix start"
   stop program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.postfix stop"

check imapd with pidfile /mailserver/var/imapd/imapd.pid
   start program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.imapd start"
   stop program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.imapd stop"

check kolab with pidfile /mailserver/var/kolab/kolab.pid
   start program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.kolab start"
   stop program = "/mailserver/etc/rc.d/rc.kolab stop"


I hope this helps U. 

MVH / Best Regards
Olaf Slazak Løken	