[Kroupware] Re: Custom UID and Kolab Future

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Wed Jun 25 16:13:15 CEST 2003

On Tuesday 24 June 2003 18:00, Christopher Lewis wrote:

> Martin is basically saying that the full e-mail address is the UID
> now, and there are no plans to change this.

The aim of the group of companies is to conclude the Kroupware-Project
first and continue to support the resulting Kolab-Server (probably 1.0.x).
After this we want to take the Kolab concept further
and development will even be more open
in the sense that the community (including us)
are not bound by the technical aims of the Kroupware Project,
but can continue as Kolab-Project. 

Martin already stated that having the option of using a different UID
from the email will probably reintroduced, if there is good interest
to make the easier again.

> The way I see it, any program that is going to be used worldwide and have a
> large installed user base must be customizable, plain and simple. 
Yes. The Kolab-Server aims at that.
However there are many task you can solve with an Kolab-Server
and the components it consists of, we cannot make all possible configurations
to be equally easy from the beginning. It will be process to find out, which
configurations are most important and can be simplified.
Therefore your input about the issue is much appreciated.

Keep in mind that we all depend on someone doing or funding the work.
So the features that time is available for will be done first, naturally.
On the kolab-devel list a community is arising around Kolab
and this community will largely influcence the further development.

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