[Kroupware] Email client for windows

Jon Reynolds jonr at ninestar.com
Fri Jun 20 12:36:21 CEST 2003

On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 10:58, Martin Konold wrote:
> Am Freitag, 20. Juni 2003 20:39 schrieb jonr at ninestar.com:
> Hi,
> > We are a non-profit organization that relies soley on grants to keep our
> > organizations running. I was also wrong in that we only needed 100 user
> > license. I understand the cost for people who take their time to
> > contribute to the open source community. I just think that the open source
> > alternative should not cost as much as the proprietary software.
> Did you ask either Bynari or Konsec about discounts for non-profit 
> organisations?
> > Because we are a non-profit I have found that we can purchase Exchange
> > Standard for $39.00 and $2.50 per seat. These can be found at
> > www.compumentor.org if you are a non-profit check this site out.
> I very much doubt these numbers? What about the required CALs?
> Yours,
> -- martin
> Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold
> e r f r a k o n
> Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
> Nobelstrasse 15, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
> fon: 0711 67400963, fax: 0711 67400959
> email: martin.konold at erfrakon.de

I doubted these numbers myself but they are for sure. I have'nt checked
out bynari or konsec to see if they have discounts, which I'm sure they

Now back to the unbelievable price for Exchange. I think M$ is doing
this because Linux IS a threat to them. A good case point would be Tiger
Direct. You can buy a Lindows system from Tiger Direct for $250.00. If
you do decide to purchase Lindows, M$ will allow you to purchase WinXP
Pro for $50.00. They are offering unreal discounts to Tiger Direct and
promise more if they stop selling Lindows. Which we all know that as
soon as they do stop selling Lindows, those magical price breaks will

The only problem I see with kolab is that 90% of the market is not going
to use it because thay can't use it through their mua(lookOut and
lookOut Express). Is this a kolab problem? Definitely not! Is it an M$
problem? no. The problem is M$ Office.

The open source community needs to make inroads here. The first inroad
that should be taken is the mua. We need to break M$'s stranglehold on
the mua. If the kroupware project continues and can get an mua to run on
Windows and connect to kolab, you have just taken a huge bite out of M$.
I know this is probably off topic and I really wish I could write code,
rather than just be able to read and understand it, to help out. The
organization I work for has already donated money to a few open source
projects and a MacG3 to another. This is how we say Thank You to all of
you who do this for us, the open source community.


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