[Kroupware] Installing for the first time

Jon Reynolds jonr at ninestar.com
Wed Jun 18 15:17:24 CEST 2003

I am installing kroupware for testing purposes to see if I can convince
the company I work for to NOT use exchange. I have so far gotten to the
point of install where I have the /kolab directory off of my root
partition. I have also downloaded a ton of files and am wondering if my
thinking is correct on my next step.

What I believe I need to do now is become the user kolab and cd into the
/kolab directory and using the rpm app inside /kolab build every single
one of these applications, is that correct? Does it matter where I build
them from or does it only matter that I use the rpm app provided by the
bootstrap install? I am using RH7.3 because I was not sure if 9 would be

Also, as I was going through the documentation and noticed how the
bootstrapping process worked, I was wondering if I could do a minimal
install of RH and then install Kroupware without having a dependency
issue for missing packages. So, once I install Kroupware and it builds
its own root directory /kolab, will this directory contain all the
necessary dependencies that Kroupware will require.

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