[Kroupware] is Kroupware still alive?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Thu Jun 5 22:32:58 CEST 2003

On Thursday 05 June 2003 20:43, hans paijmans wrote:
> There is far less (well, actually none) activity around Kroupware
> than around other Linux and OS project. 

GNU/Linux consists of a number of Free Software projects
some of them are quite verbose, others aren't.
Many mail message are not always a good sign.
We actually hope to reduce the number of emails
delivering stable software and answering the questions
in the documentes.

>Does this mean that Kroupware is silent;y dying?

Kroupware is the name of the project related to the contract
of three company. The resulting concept and software is called Kolab.
Currently we are still in the process to finalise the Kroupware
contract, but Kolab already thrives on.

Last weeks have seen quite a lot of quality control
on details of the KDE Kolab client.

When Kroupware is successfully finished, 
Kolab will rise to shine.

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