[Kroupware] Email to task or events

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Jul 29 11:06:22 CEST 2003

On Monday 28 July 2003 22:21, James Mohr wrote:
> I just compiled the Kolab 1.0.1 client  and I must say that I like what I
> see so far.


> One function that I used a lot in MS Outlook is simply dragging email
> messages into either the task folder and events, and they are created
> automatically. 

What exactely is created then?
A task or an event?

>That does not seem possible in Kolab. What I would like to
> do is to have a filter that created tasks or events for me automatically.

It should be possible to actually write a such a "filter"
using an external program (or say a script) and the KMail filters
to change the email contents into a iCalender.

So in principle it can be done, but no specific functions
have been implemented for this yet.


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