[Kroupware] build & install script for Kolab 1.0

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Sun Jul 27 15:31:32 CEST 2003

Am Sonntag, 27. Juli 2003 14:04 schrieb Jean Dumont:

Hi Jean,

> Maybe it's my system (RH 7.2) but I had to compile openssl before
> perl-crypto, also I had to add --define 'with_gdbm_ndbm yes' in order to
> compile apache (it's defined as no in the spec file)

Changed in the QIM

> I have also some remarks, first the installation process is definitely too
> hard for non-technical people (well too hard or badly documented), if you
> have the skills to determine the compilation order and why such package
> will not compile, you probably don't need Kolab at all.

Kolab is intended to provide additional features to OSS not available 
elsewhere. Providing packaging is courtesy of the involved companies and was 
not contracted. Please don't mix the packaging with the product.

> In fact, I was asked to evaluate it (after all it is a 1.0 release) to
> determine if it is suitable for small local government to replace exchange
> (as a mail server). I'm afraid my answer would have to be no at the moment.


> Also I still haven't found where to make certains config tweaks (bind to a
> particular interface for example, something which must be quite normal for
> a server). Of course I can tweak the /kolab/etc/kolab/*.template files, but
> frankly I think a template file is just that, a template, and not a config
> file.

For special purpose tweaking we currently only provide the template files for 
manual editing with a text editor. Later versions of Kolab will provide GUI 
support for advanced features like multi-domain, mulit-location,....

You can speed up this development by contracting the respective companies 
though ;-)

> Why use openldap and not take advantages of groups etc. it's used as a flat
> file db which is quite strange for ldap.

Please elaborate more.

> All of the above is just to say that kolab still has some way to go, I

Of course good software is never finished.

> think this is a good product but it needs a little more polishing.

Yes, polish is always nice. But please be aware of the fact that we emphasized 
on the architecture not on the polishing in order to create a sound 
foundation to build our future efforts upon. IMHO this is the better approach 
compared to polishing in a too early stage.

-- martin

Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold
e r f r a k o n
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
Nobelstrasse 15, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
fon: 0711 67400963, fax: 0711 67400959
email: martin.konold at erfrakon.de

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