AW: [Kroupware] problems with pop3 and user-login

Karl-Heinz Mauz info at
Wed Jul 9 13:32:41 CEST 2003

> I´ve got the kolab server running on suse 8.2. There are some 
> irritating messages in boot.msg (root has no rights on some 
> postfix-folders??)

You must compile as use but install as root as documented in the QIM.
Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold

Thank you. After an carfull installation, the server works fine.
Now I´m trying to install the client on another SuSE 8.2 machine. I
guess I can use the KDE-version of SuSE, I only have to uninstall
kdenetwork (and install kdenetwork-kolab, kdepim and the
I receive following error message, configuring kdenetwork-kroupware-rc4
(./configure --prefix=/opt/kolab-client):
Configure error in the prefix, you´ve chosen, are no kde headers
installed. This will fail. So check this and use another prefix.

Thank you for your help.


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