[Kroupware] Re: Sharing of Calanders

Henning Holtschneider kroupware@mail.kde.org
Tue, 07 Jan 2003 22:28:38 +0100

--On Dienstag, 7. Januar 2003 19:47 +0100 Marc Mutz <mutz@kde.org> wrote:

> That doesn't mean that the project will be abandoned, just that it won't
> develop as fast as it did in the Kroupware Project. But maybe it's just
> about time to set up SourceForge-equivalent infrastructure for it? (I

I think this should be done once you have finished the contracted work. You 
will have delivered a working piece of software then (hopefully; many 
open-source  groupware projects have failed to reach that milestone ;-) ). 
Please don't invite too many people to mess around with unfinished work 
because it will just result in FAQs, code forks and broken 
"it-works-for-me" features.

Just my opinion,