[Kroupware] Re: Sharing of Calanders

Marc Mutz kroupware@mail.kde.org
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 19:47:50 +0100

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On Tuesday 07 January 2003 04:15, Lutz Badenheuer wrote:
> Please do not pick up my suggestion as criticisms, but I think we
> should -- well, at least collect ideas what to do with kolab when
> BSI's project is done.

Of course.

> At this time, I see the end of the BSI
> contract and a huge black hole afterwards.

No balck hole here. We will have integrated the Kolab clients into the=20
normal KDE development versions so that they will be part of KDE 3.2.=20
We will use the Kolab server in our companies and there's talk about=20
setting one up for the KDE project itself. So there won't be a black=20
hole afterwards.

> What are we going to do
> with a very flexible and scalable, and either platform-independent
> kolab server? I think most people here want to build solutions with
> this software and so do have their own thoughts how to enhance this
> bunch of programs; maybe it'll be a good idea not only to collect
> these vagaries but also keep further-going ideas into the scope of
> the active developers.

I just wanted to point out that stability is *way* more important than=20
new features currently and that after the end of the contract you can't=20
expect much more then bugfixing for the Kolab server unless a free=20
software community and/or follow-up contracts (by BSI or other) emerge=20
around it.

That doesn't mean that the project will be abandoned, just that it won't=20
develop as fast as it did in the Kroupware Project. But maybe it's just=20
about time to set up SourceForge-equivalent infrastructure for it? (I=20
won't put anything on SF anymore. VA can't be much interested in paying=20
for SF anymore, now that they're are a proprietary software company).

> In my opinion, this project will only succeed when being MUCH better
> than the existing solutions.

Maybe for the time being it just needs to suck less than existing=20
solutions ;-))

> This includes documentation, features,
> stability, security, flexibility and ease-of-use as well -- which is
> a dance on the ridge, I admit. So please keep in mind what this work
> is going to evolve when the contract will be done.

We hope so! We knew that this project would give rise to high hopes -=20
too high hopes maybe from some - and we just want to make sure everyone=20
here understands that Kroupware isn't much more than a kick-starter for=20
the Kolab server and it's KDE clients.


This is as small as I think is sensible.
        -- Don Sanders after commiting a 1MB patch to KMail CVS

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